Hangover Cure

Indian Curry Dishes

For most of us the days of consuming large amounts of alcohol on a Saturday night followed by a curry on the way home to soak it up are long gone. There are still those nights of too much alcohol but they are usually followed by a dash home to relieve the babysitter and a morning that starts so early you probably haven’t even sobered up yet.

As much as you hope that the kids will keep themselves amused and play nicely with each other while you snooze on the sofa, this is always going to be the day when they demand your attention every minute of the day.

Help is quite definitely at hand though at the Bengal Brasserie, quite possibly the best curry restaurant around, on a Sunday afternoon it opens at 4pm. If you can just make it until then you can indulge in that much needed curry to take away any last traces of alcohol. You can take your, by this point, near feral  children in the knowledge that the only other people in there will also be slightly hung over parents with children being indulged in as many papadoms, curry and  nans as they can eat in the hope that they will be fed to the point of postprandial somnolence and you can all go home and doze!

Victoria Court, Victoria Street, Wetherby, LS22 6JA

Tel; 01937 588309  www.bengal-brasserie.com

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