Swim yourself fit

We all know swimming is great exercise and has no impact on your joints or back but it can be a bit boring ploughing up and down the pool.

A swimmers body is worth striving for though and you can get all the help you need at www.swimming.org.

You simply create an account, log your level of fitness and what you want to achieve and it creates a training program based around interval training in the pool.

You need some basic equipment and about 40 minutes and then your local pool can become your gym.  Every time you complete a swim you log back in, complete that session and move onto the next.

Because each section of the swim is relatively short with adequate rests in between you don’t lose interest or become too fatigued  Some lengths may be swum with just arms or legs so that at the end of the session you will really feel like you have had a good all round work-out.



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